Imperio Galctico Star Wars Wiki Fandom

Galactic Empire | Wookieepedia | Fandom

After stealing the Carrion Spike, an advanced starship based on a prototype stealth corvette used during the Battle of Christophsis during the Clone Wars, the rebels wreaked havoc across numerous star systems including Lucazec, Galidraan III and Nouane, all while transmitting holovids of their attacks on Imperial HoloNet frequencies, increasing ...

Galactic Empire | Wookieepedia | Fandom

The Galactic Empire, also known as the First Galactic Empire, Palpatine's New Order, the Imperium or simply the Empire and later the Old Empire, was the galactic government established by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to replace the Galactic Republic in 19 BBY and bring Sith rule to the galaxy. The Republic, which had lasted for at least 25,034 years, ended following a period of intense ...

Imperio Galctico | Star Wars Wiki | Fandom

Imperio Galctico. Informacin poltica. Tipo de gobierno. Monarqua constitucional ( de jure) [1] Autocracia ( de facto) [2] Estatocracia (aos posteriores) [3] Documento de fundacin. Proclamacin del Nuevo Orden [1] Constitucin. Carta Imperial [4] Jefe de Estado. Emperador Galctico [1] Jefe de Gobierno. Gran Visir [5] Lder de facto.

Galactic Empire (Star Wars) - Wikipedia

Imprio Galctico | Star Wars Wiki em Portugus | Fandom

Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the GalaxyUm lema em Bsico Atrisiano e nome de uma pea de propaganda, que se traduz literalmente como "Imprio unido acima de tudo". O Imprio Galctico, tambm conhecido como a Nova Ordem, o Primeiro Imprio Galctico ou simplesmente o...

Galactic Empire |

For decades, the Galactic Empire reigned supreme. The Emperor remained all-powerful, with Grand Moff Tarkin and Darth Vader acting as his primary enforcers. Their space station, the dreaded Death Star, had been completed -- a development that allowed the Emperor to permanently dissolve the Senate.He instead handed rule over to regional governors, who would keep dissident systems in through the ...

Imperio Galctico | StarWikiWars Wiki | Fandom

El Imperio Galctico o el Imperio, fue un gobierno galctico establecido por el Canciller Supremo Palpatine para sustituir a la Repblica Galctica . La Repblica termin despus de las agitaciones polticas y, finalmente, con la devastacin de las Guerras Clon . Mientras Obi-Wan Kenobi mataba...

Galactic Empire | Villains Wiki | Fandom

The Galactic Empire, often simply referred to as The Empire, are the secondary antagonists of the Star Wars franchise.

Legends:Imprio Galctico | Star Wars Wiki em Portugus | Fandom

O Imprio Galctico, tambm conhecido como Nova Ordem, foi um governo galctico totalitrio e ditatorial, estabelecido pelo Chanceler Supremo Palpatine para substituir a Repblica Galctica. Por milhares de anos, a Velha Repblica comandou a galxia tentando reunir centenas de sistemas estelares...

Galactic Empire | Star Wars Universe Wiki | Fandom

The Galactic Empire, also known as the New Order, the Old Empire, the First Galactic Empire, Palpatine's New Order, the Second Imperium or simply the Empire, was the galactic government established to replace the Galactic Republic in c. 50 BBY .

Galactic Empire | Star Wars Games | Fandom

The Galactic Empire also known as the Empire, Imperials, or Imperial Scum (refered to by some Rebels), was the ultimate power of the galaxy between the Galactic Republic and the New Republic. The Empire ruled the galaxy with an iron fist that came down on all rebels. The Rebel Alliance was the...

Imperio Galctico | Star Wars Wiki | Fandom

El Imperio Galctico es mencionado en The Star Wars: Story Synopsis, finalizada en mayo de 1973 por George Lucas, simplemente como un imperio. En la revisin, The Star Wars: Rough Draft , el gobierno totalitario de la galaxia es conocido como Nuevo Imperio, gobernado por el despiadado Emperador Cos Dashit con sus secuaces ...

Categora:Imperio Galctico | Star Wars Wiki | Fandom

Imperio Galctico/Leyendas. Almirante de Flota/Leyendas. Alta Cultura Humana. Alto Almirante. Archivos especiales. Armadura de soldado de asalto. Armadura de soldado de la muerte. B. Categora:Bases militares Imperiales. Categora:Batallas de las guerras Imperial-Sith/Fel. Bsico Galctico Estndar/Leyendas. Bsico Imperial. Confederacin de Thrawn

Categoria:Imprio Galctico | Star Wars Wiki em Portugus | Fandom

O Imprio Galctico era um estado composto por mais de 12 milhes de mundos membros e cinqenta milhes de colnias, protetorados e governos por toda extenso da Galxia, das fronteiras do Ncleo Profundo ao Espao Selvagem.

Imperial Military | Star Wars Universe Wiki | Fandom

The Imperial Military, also known as the Imperial armed forces or Imperial Service, was the armed forces of the Galactic Empire. It was responsible for carrying out military operations throughout the galaxy as well as maintaining order on Imperial member worlds, governorships, colonies, and...

Imperio Galctico de Darth Krayt | Star Wars Wiki | Fandom

El Imperio Galctico de Darth Krayt (130138 DBY), tambin conocido como el Imperio Galctico, el Imperio Sith, el Imperio Sith de Darth Krayt, el Nuevo Imperio, o simplemente el Imperio, fue el gobierno que se form a partir del Imperio Fel en el 130 DBY, cuando Darth Krayt, Seor Oscuro de los.

Imperial Army | Star Wars Canon Wiki | Fandom

3 Clone Commander. The Imperial Army was the ground-based military branch of the Galactic Empire. The Imperial Army was created from the Grand Army of the Republic following the end of the Clone Wars. In the years following the Wars, the Army used equipment and vehicles from units of the Old Republic.

Imperial Intelligence | Star Wars Universe Wiki | Fandom

Imperial Intelligence, abbreviated as Imperial Intel or I.I., and also known as Military Intelligence, was the central intelligence service of the Galactic Empire and its successor organizations. It was dedicated to collecting information, secret and otherwise, for the Imperial government and was a rival to the Imperial Security Bureau .

Categora:Oficiales del Imperio Galctico | Star Wars Wiki | Fandom

Star Wars Wiki. Oficiales del Imperio Galctico. Pgina de categora. Estos son los oficiales del Imperio Galctico. A. Mytus Adema. Aggadeen. Categora:Almirantes y generales del Imperio Galctico. Ander Rendrake. Arihnda Pryce. B. Jayhold Beehaz. Bergon. Bragg. Brierly Ronan. Danbit Brun. C. Tobix Chasser. Drawd Munbrin. Tala Durith. Dyer.

Imperial | Star Wars Canon Wiki | Fandom

Imperials were a cultural race of humans. Once a demonym to refer to the citizenry of the Galactic Empire, it came to refer to the imperialise humans who fled into the galactic frontier after the Galactic Civil War . Contents. 1Society and culture. 2History. 2.1Imperialising. 2.2Fall of the Empire. 2.3Fleeing the New Republic. 3Appearances.

Imperial officer | Star Wars Universe Wiki | Fandom

Imperial officers were members of the Old and New Galactic Empire's military . Overview. The officer was a high class soldier within the Empire's military who provided a commanding presence among the legions of troops that were deployed to fight the Emperor's enemies.

Categora:Clases de naves estelares del Imperio Galctico | Star Wars

Categora:Clases de naves estelares del Imperio Galctico | Star Wars Wiki | Fandom. Star Wars Wiki. en: Clases de naves estelares por afiliacin, Clases de naves estelares Sith. espaol. Clases de naves estelares del Imperio Galctico. Pgina de categora. Clases de naves estelares aliadas con la Marina del Imperio Galctico . Otros idiomas.

Estacin Imperial 003 | Star Wars Wiki | Fandom

El contenido de la comunidad est disponible bajo CC-BY-SA a menos que se indique lo contrario. La Estacin Imperial 003, [4] tambin conocida como la Estacin Espacial Orbital Imperial era una estacin espacial en rbita [1] alrededor del planeta capital Imperial, [5] Coruscant. [1] De apariencia similar a una estacin orbital ICM ...

Nave cientfica | Star Wars Wiki | Fandom

La nave cientfica[2] era un tipo de transporte Imperial utilizado para la captura, contencin y transporte de varios experimentos de clonacin realizados por la Divisin de Ciencias Avanzadas. Estaba tripulada por comandos Imperiales dirigidos por guardias reales Imperiales. Uno de estos transportes, el transporte 904, vio escapar a su Bestia Zillo Espcimen A mientras viajaba en el ...

Batalla del sistema Atoano | Star Wars Wiki | Fandom

En el 19 ABY, tuvo lugar una batalla espacial en el sistema Atoano en la Nebulosa Fantasma entre las fuerzas del Imperio Galctico lideradas por Darth Vader y los defensores atoanos. Durante su bsqueda del desaparecido Garoche Tarkin en la Nebulosa Fantasma, Darth Vader interrog a la capturada Lady Saro, una hechicera atoana, sobre el paradero del almirante. Saro respondi que, siempre ...

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